Monday, September 2, 2019

Chapter 1 - Psychology's History and Approaches

Chapter 1 - Psychology's

 History and Approaches

Psychology is a science of behavior and mental processes.

  • Science is based on research 
  • Mental processes are thinking and dreaming
  • behavioral is both observable and miserable 

Psychology changes:

  • Stability vs. Change: personality traits, physical appearances 
  • Continuity vs. Discontinuity
  • Nature vs. Nurture: biology vs. experience

Image result for 5 goals of psychology5 Goals of Psychology:

  1. Observe
  2. Predict
  3. Explain
  4. Describe 
  5. Control

History of Psychology

  • Socrates and his student Plato believed the mind was separate from the body, the mind continued to exist after death and ideas were innate.
  • Aristotle suggested that the soul is not separated from the body and that knowledge grows from experience. 
  • Hippocrates - "father of medicine"                                                                                                  - Stressed illnesses and abnormal behavior were caused by natural causes, not supernatural
  • Descartes, like Plato, believed in soul (mind)- body separation, but wondered how the immaterial mind and physical body communicated. 
  • John Locke - Locke held that the mind was a tabula Rosa, or blank sheet, at birth, and experiences wrote on it.
Related image
Image result for descartes and locke


  • The first school of psychology 
  • Broke down mental processes into the most basic components (structures) of conscious experience.
  • Introspection- What you hear? See? Taste? Smell? Feel? Based on this how you behaved?


  • Focused less on the how of sensation and perception, but rather on the way. Emphasized the process of how thoughts formed, changed, and how they adapted.     

   7 Perspectives 

  1. Neuroscience or Biological: Focus on how the physical body and brain creates our emotions, memories, and sensory experiences.
  2. Evolutionary: Focus on Darwinism                                                                                                - We behave the way we do because we inherited those behaviors.                                                - Thus, those behaviors must have helped ensure our ancestors survival.
  3. Psycho-dynamic: Fathered by Sigmund Freud                                                                                - Usually stemming from our childhood.                                                                                        - Our behavior comes from unconscious drives
  4. Behavioral: Focuses on our OBSERVABLE behaviors 
  5. Cognitive: Focuses on how we think or encode information
  6. Socio-Cultural: Focus on how your culture affects your behavior
  7. Humanistic: Focuses on positive growth                                                                                         - Attempt to seek self-actualization 



  1. I love your website! However, I would like you to expand on the five goals of psychology because, though you list the goals, I would like for you to expand on this and state what are the parts of these goals and how they accomplish such goals.

  2. ^I say this because if a person that was trying to learn Psychology from the very beginning they wouldn't know what you meant by these goals nor how to accomplish them. As well as, why are these the main goals of Psychology and not something else.

  3. Although very neat and amazing to see, I believe you should specify or add to the 7 perspectives of psychology. What I mean by that is you should have a definition and then an example for each perspective.

  4. I really liked how descriptive and aesthetically pleasing your blog is, but i would suggest increasing the font size for chapter 2 and adding some more pictures to make it easier to understand.
