Wednesday, November 20, 2019



Encoding: getting the information in our heads

Two Ways to Encode Info

Automatic Processing
    Image result for automatic processing
  • unconscious encoding of incidental information
  • you encode space, time and word meaning without effort
  • things can become automatic with practice
Effortless Processing
  • encoding that requires attention of conscious effort
  • rehearsal is the most common effortless processing technique
  • through enough rehearsal, what was effortless becomes automatic

Things to remember about Encoding 

  1. The next-in-line effect: we seldom remember what pason has just said or done if we are next
  2. Info minutes before sleep is seldom remembered; in the hour before sleep, well remembered
  3. Taped info played while asleep is registered by ears, but we do not remember it

Spacing Effect

    Image result for spacing effect
  • we encode better when we study or practice overtime
  • DO NOT CRAM!!!  

Serial Positioning Effect

  • our tendency to recall best the lost and first items in a list

Types of Encoding

  • Semantic Encoding: encoding of meaning, like meaning of words
  • Acoustic Encoding: encoding of sound, especially sounds of words
  • Visual Encoding: encoding of picture images


  • organizing items into familiar, manageable units
  • often it will occur automatically 

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